
San Antonio Remembers

   San Antonio Public Library's  Texas / Genealogy departmental Texana staff started a blog last February called "San Antonio Remembers."  It combines at least 5 identifiable components:  selected typical images (photos, posters, etc.), newspaper clippings, a "this day in San Antonio history," occasional interpretative essaylets of the material, and occasional gestures to San Antonio snippets on other webpages.  It's a good combination.  A particular bright point is their ability to insert photo slide shows as well as single photographs.  The website  is more dynamic and useful.  I do suggest that they adopt a logo for easy visual remembrance.  Maybe they'll be able to provide short lists of new SA books (librarians are like that).  Congratulations! 
This continuing sharing of SAPL's material is admirable.  Instead of hiding behind procedures, policies, prices, and protocols, they've found an easy way of promoting the institution and increasing the public's awareness of this public commodity, enabling users to use the material in this fashion, to solicit public infomation about the collection, and demonstrate SAPL's genuine desire and ability to serve the public while maintaining the material's physical integrity.   They also do a good job of tagging the entries.
Other Texana collections are advised to see SAPL's work for possible emulation.

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